“A Masterpiece of God”

Over there at that classy blog site  (which is devoted to the works and thought of the late American Artist Carl Schmitt) you will find an excellent article entitled “A masterpiece of God.”

Be sure to click on the green text which will take you to some excellent articles about Carl Schmitt by Donald Powell and the well-known author Padraic Colum (among the books of whom The Children’s Homer is a favorite among homeschooling families especially!)

I happen to be sitting within arm’s reach of The Children’s Homer right now… so I feel a special connection to this fellow!

Meanwhile I am still stewing over Donald Powell’s article which you may find here

His opening line:

I charge flatly and bluntly that his fellow Catholics are enemies of Schmitt, his family and what he stands for. Here is my case.

Take a look. Although written for The Catholic Worker, in December 1934 I think Powell’s indictment of Catholics with respect to their support for the “Catholic artist” still holds true. Very sad! The same incriminating argument could be made against Catholics in general for their less than enthusiastic support for Catholic classical education in America.

For example there really ought to be a Lyceum every 7 miles or so!

Meanwhile here is a lovely painting…



About marklangley

Presently, the founding Headmaster of Our Lady of Walsingham Academy in Colorado Springs (see www. OLWclassical.org), former headmaster and Academic Dean at The Lyceum (a school he founded in 2003, see theLyceum.org) Mark loves sacred music and Gregorian Chant and singing with his lovely wife, Stephanie, and their children.
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1 Response to “A Masterpiece of God”

  1. Samster says:

    Would that there could be a Lyceum every seven miles! Even every 70 times 7 miles would be a great deal better than what we have now. We Catholics could well be more magnanimous to fellow Catholics doing good – for our own good!

    Powell was scandalized that in a time when the arts in the Church were so impoverished, no Catholics patronized Schmitt, or fostered his genius for our own edification, and the same could be said today, in the arts and in REAL Catholic education. Schmitt blamed this in large part on avarice, our hankering after material goods. Do you think we as Catholics can be wealthy AND wise?

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